Free For You

I thought it would be nice if I shared a few of the photos and projects here on the blog.  Check back here from time to time to see what is new that might interest you.


To start off I am posting a few of the photos from our spring lilac season. These are the ones I decided on to enter into the Lilac Photo Contest our state holds each year. I had a few others but the first rule is that it has to be of a tree or bush, not cut flowers.


These are high-resolution at 300 dpi and are 4×6 in size. Feel free to use these images for your personal or business use.  Please do not sell the image.

To copy them right click on the photo then save. To see them full size click on the image.






Since I still am in a lilac mood here are some canning jar labels for you. Click on the image to bring you to the PDF. If you print them on a full sheet of label paper you can cut them out and stick to your jars or you could print them on card stock and hang them with a nice ribbon.

Enjoy and feel free to use them as you wish except to sell them.
















  1. What a thoughtful thing to do.

  2. I just stumbled across your website last night and I am fascinated. I downloaded your lilac photos for future use in my blog. Thank you so much. I also forwarded your blog to my Mom who will appreciate all you do. My Dad grew up on a farm and always admires the simple ways of accomplishing daily tasks. I on the other hand love those things too but got caught up in being a working Mom and had to do things in a more convenient processed way. I can’t wait to read more. Thanks.

  3. I love this site! a new discovery for me as I’m searching for wool felting crafts. You made it so inviting I want to come and have coffee with you. Thank-you for sharing’

  4. When Lisa comes for coffee, I’d love to join you both. I am making the violet jelly this weekend. Thanks so much for sharing. It is reassuring to know there are others out there who value the “old-fashioned” things.


  5. What a wonderful blog and thank you for the free gift! Can you help me with the first lilac label. When I move my cursor across it the little hand doesn’t show-up, thus…I can’t click on the image and print it! Thanks for your help! I have the others printed and ready for use! Thanks so much Bonnie

  6. very nice thing to do. This is all new to me but ; my friend and I are really starting to enjoy making our own laundry detergent, etc Also love your labels Thank-You Am looking forward to learning more from you and your site. Again Thank-You Lilly.

  1. Pingback: Storing your dried herbs in canning jars and Free Lid Labels « Lizzy Lane Farm

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